

After you have published your survey, you get redirected automatically to the Activity Summary, where you can see and edit the status and close date of your survey. You can also edit timeouts and update quotas for your survey.


The activity summary screen shows current completion statistics of respondents.

Started Displays the number of respondents who saw the first page of the survey.
Active Displays the number of respondents currently participating in the survey.
Incomplete Screen outs displays the number of respondents who were explicitly screened out of the survey using the 'end survey' element.

Over quota displays the number of respondents who were terminated because a quota was reached.

Timeouts displays the number of respondents who were terminated because they took longer than 30 minutes between answering questions.
→ Note: you can change the timeout. For more information see “Timeouts” section.
Completes Displays the number of successfully completed surveys by total, either by encountering an 'end survey' element or reaching the last page of the survey. This is broken down by segment if segments are used.


→ Note: The Activity Summary can only be shown after the survey was published.

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