
Input - Matrix

Inserts a matrix of questions that have a regular column structure, such as a ratings. This can be customized to a matrix of text questions, single- and multiple choice.


  1. Click the cursor onto the page name you want to add the matrix to
  2. To add Matrix, click on the green [Matrix] button
  3. The new matrix box will be added to the page, similar to example below
  4. In the drop down click on the question type that you want to add – Matrix of Text Question, Matrix of Single Choice or Matrix of Multiple Choice.

  5. To add the matrix question text, drag the cursor over the default question text “Enter text ...” and type in your question
  6. Type the row questions into the text box, ensuring each question is on a separate line
  7. Type the answer choices into the text box, ensuring each answer is on a separate line
  8. To change the question number or unique identifier, drag the cursor over the default question numerical identifier and type in your new question number
  9. Add or adjust any additional question settings by clicking on the option icon that appears on the far right of the green matrix row
  10. Click to select the appropriate setting from the list of choices provided

→ Note: the settings will vary depending on the matrix type added. For more information see Question & Matrix settings section

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